Error 52 Bad File or Number in GL Portrait Access Module

Document ID

Document ID SU1277


  • JurisĀ®


  • Technical Support

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Problem Description

The error occurs when attempting to run the GL Portrait Access report, usually after performing a server migration. This is common after a server migration and the GLPortrait.txt file has not been updated with the new path to the Juris.lic file.

Suggested Action
Take the following steps to open GL Portrait:
  1. Browse to the location of the actual GLPortrait.mde file. In this same directory, you should see a GLPortrait.txt file.
    Note: If opening from a shortcut, right-click and select Properties to locate the file location.
  2. Open GLPortrait.txt with Notepad.
  3. Correct the URL pointing to the location of the Juris.lic file and save.
Note: LexisNexis® no longer supports setup, installation, troubleshooting or usability of Microsoft® Access based Juris reports. For more information see article: SU8256 Juris Support for Microsoft Access Based Reports Ending 12/31/2020. Due to the end of support for MS Access, this article will be removed from Support Center on or after 7/01/2021.