Runtime Error -2147217865 (80040e37) Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query SysParam

Document ID

Document ID SU1374


  • Juris®


  • Technical Support

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Runtime Error -2147217865 (80040e37) Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query SysParam
Problem Description
You try to run an Access report and get the message "Run-time error '-2147217865(80040e37)': The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'SysParam'. Make sure it exists and that the name is spelled correctly."
Suggested Action
Take the following steps to rename the tables:
  1. In the Access database, go to Objects > Tables.
  2. Find the table named SysParam_Log and rename it to SysParam-sav.
  3. Find the table named dbo_SysParam and rename it to SysParam.
  4. Attempt to re-run the report.
Note: LexisNexis® no longer supports setup, installation, troubleshooting or usability of Microsoft® Access based Juris reports. For more information see article: SU8256 Juris Support for Microsoft Access Based Reports Ending 12/31/2020. Due to the end of support for MS Access, this article will be removed from Support Center on or after 7/01/2021.