Using the SQL Error Log to Determine the SQL Port

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Document ID SU3200


  • Juris®


  • Technical Support

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Take the following steps to determine the SQL port:
  1. Locate the SQL folder on the server.
    Note: You can normally find the SQL folder for the Juris® financial management software at C:\Program FIles (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.[the instance of SQL running on the Juris software]\MSSQL\LOG. There may be more than 1 instance, but there will only be 1 for the Juris software. In that case, you need to check all of these instances until you locate the 1 for the Juris software.
  2. Expand the MSSQL.X folder.
  3. Open the MSSQL folder.
  4. Open the LOG folder.
  5. Use Notepad to open the ERRORLOG file.
  6. Use the Find function in Notepad to search for the word listening.
The number value next to Listening is the TCP/IP port that the server uses.