Using the Copy Citation Feature

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Document ID HT7142


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You can copy document citations and paste them in your legal document as a hyperlink.

Take the following steps to copy a citation:
  1. Click Copy Citation in the heading of the document to open the Copy Citation to Clipboard window.
  2. Select the necessary style manual from the New format drop-down list, if available. You must click Apply to apply the selected manual.
    Note: This selection is not available for all documents.
  3. Select the options you want to include in the citation. The choices you see differ based on the type of document you are viewing.
  4. Click Copy & Close.
  5. Paste the text into your word processor document.
    Note: You can paste information from the clipboard to any program with copy and paste functionality.

The format selection you make in the Copy Citation to Clipboard screen persists for future use.

This feature is available under the following Content categories on documents with citations:
Note: Not all documents have citations, so you may not see Copy Citation on all documents within these Content categories.

  • Cases
  • Statutes and Legislation
  • Administrative Codes and Regulations
  • Administrative Materials
  • Secondary Materials
  • Jury Instructions
  • Scientific
  • Company and Financial

For cases with a public domain citation, official citation, or a National Reporter System® citation, you can also select a citation format by selecting one of the Style Manuals.

Available formats include Standard, which aligns with the rules in The Bluebook® for practitioners, and style manuals from all 50 states. ALWD is also available for law school users.
Note: One difference between Standard and The Bluebook is that Standard does not display parenthetical information when the language comes from a concurrence or a dissent. For example, (Stevens, J., dissenting). For more information, see Sources for Style Manual Formats.

If Public domain reporter is selected under Include these references, you may notice that the date and court does not appear in a parenthetical because it is represented in the public domain citation.

If you select (none) as your Citation Format it will use the Lexis default style manual that includes all parallel citations.

Only cases with reporter citations include a Style Manual format selection option. For other document types, Copy Citation pulls the citation from the header of the document. Therefore, the citation format mirrors the way it displays in cite lists and in the header of the full document.