Sharing Alerts on Lexis

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Document ID HT8105


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The Sharing feature gives you the opportunity to allow other people to monitor your Alert results. The following items provide general information on Sharing an Alert:  

  • Shared Alerts are added to the recipients' ID in their Alerts list.
  • The recipient must sign in to the product to view the results.  
    Note: The recipient is initially set to receive results using the same delivery settings as the owner (Online only or Email + Online). The recipient can make changes to their delivery settings.
  • Note: If you select Email + Online under Delivery type, the recipient receives the email notifications regardless of the email address listed under Delivery type. Trying to add the recipient's email address under Delivery type generates the error message: Email address of shared user is same as the current user.
  • You can share Alerts with up to 100 recipients.
  • If you delete an Alert, the Alert is also removed from all recipients with whom you shared the Alert.

Note: Sharing is not available under all subscription plans. If you do not see the option to Share Alerts when you create or edit Alerts, contact your LexisNexis® Account Representative for more information.

Locating a Recipient by Name
Viewing Shared Alerts in your Alerts List
Unable to Access Alert - Either You Don’t Have Permission to Access Alert or It’s Been Deleted.
Locating a Recipient by Email Address
Stop Sharing Alerts


Locating a Recipient by Name 

When locating a recipient by name, only people with active IDs and within the same account as yours appear in the drop-down list. Therefore, it is possible for someone within your organization to not appear in the list if your organization has multiple accounts. To locate someone outside of your account, see Locating a Recipient by Email Address.

Take the following steps to share an alert you are creating:

  1. Click the Share tab.
  2. Enter the name of the person with whom you want to share the Alert in the Enter a user's name (using the format of last name, first name), or enter the user's email address field.
  3. Select the name of the person from the People within my firm list.
  4. Click Add to Share.
    Note: To share with another person, repeat steps 2 through 4 until all names appear.
  5. Click Create Alert to share the Alert.

Take the following steps to share an existing Alert from your Alerts page:

  1. Locate the Alert on your Alerts page.
  2. Click Edit for the Alert you want to share.
  3. Click the Share tab.
  4. Enter the name of the person with whom you want to share the Alert in the Enter a user's name (using the format of last name, first name), or enter the user's email address field.
  5. Select the name of the person from the People within my firm list.
  6. Click Add to Share.
    Note: To share with another person, repeat steps 4 through 6 until all names appear.
  7. Click Save to share the Alert.

Any recipient located by name, receives an email notifying them that an Alert has been shared with them. The email notification includes a link to unsubscribe from the Alert.

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Locating a Recipient by Email Address 

Locating a recipient by email address allows you to share your Alert with people outside of your  account. Keep in mind that the email recipient must have an active ID in order to accept and view the shared Alert.

Take the following steps to share an Alert you are creating:

  1. Click the Share tab.
  2. Enter the email address of the person with whom you want to share the Alert in the Enter a user's name (using the format of last name, first name), or enter the user's email address field. 
  3. Click Add to Share.
    Note: To share with another person, repeat steps 2 and 3 until all names appear.
  4. Click Create Alert to share the Alert.

Take the following steps to share an existing Alert from your Alerts page:

  1. Locate the Alert on your Alerts page.
  2. Click Edit for the alert you want to share.
  3. Click the Share tab.
  4. Enter the email address of the person with whom you want to share the Alert in the Enter a user's name (using the format of last name, first name), or enter the user's email address field.
  5. Click Add to Share.
    Note: To share with another person, repeat steps 4 and 5 until all names appear.
  6. Click Save to share the Alert.

A recipient located by email address, receives an email invitation from Once the recipient clicks on View Invitation, they are redirected to the product and presented with the following 3 options:

  • Accept Invitation and View Alert
  • Decline Invitation
  • Ignore Invitation

Recipients have 30 days to take action on the invitation. Until the recipient accepts or declines the invitation, you see Pending next to the recipient's email address when you view the Share tab for that Alert.

If the recipient accepts the invitation, you receive an email from indicating the recipient has accepted your invitation.
If the recipient declines the invitation, you receive an email from indicating the recipient has declined your invitation.

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Viewing shared Alerts in your Alerts List 

Alerts shared with you are automatically added to your Alerts list. The Created by field on your Alerts page lists the name of people who created Alerts shared with you.

You can filter your Alerts list with the Sharing filter to quickly see which Alerts you are sharing or that have been shared with you.

Shared Alert recipients cannot delete documents from the Alert results. Recipients can only mark documents as read or unread. The owner of the Alert has full control of the documents; if the Alert owner deletes a document, the document is no longer shared with the recipient and the recipient will not see the document in the Alert results.

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Stop Sharing Alerts 

There are ways to stop sharing an Alert. The process depends on whether an Alert is shared with you or if you are sharing an Alert with someone else. Also, the Alert notification emails for shared Alerts do not list the owner of the Alert. Take the following steps to stop receiving notifications and updates for an Alert shared with you:

  1. Locate the Alert on your Alerts page.
  2. Click Unsubscribe to display the Unsubscribe from Alert window.
  3. Click Unsubscribe to confirm. The Alert is removed from your Alerts list.


Take the following steps to stop sharing your Alert with other users:

  1. Locate the Alert on your Alerts page.
  2. Click Edit for the Alert you want to stop sharing.
  3. Click the Share tab.
  4. Click the X next to the name of the person or email address with whom you want to stop sharing.
  5. Click Save to save the changes to your alert.

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Unable to Access Alert - Either You Don’t Have Permission to Access Alert or It’s Been Deleted 

It is possible to receive the following error message when clicking on  View Invitation : Unable to access alert - either you don't have permission to access alert or it's been deleted.

If you receive this error message, contact the person listed as the user that shared the Alert with you to confirm that the Alert is still available.

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