Edit Law Firm User Role on CounselLink

Document ID

Document ID HT3424


  • LexisNexis® CounselLink®


  • Product Features

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The roles that CounselLink® users have in each law firm allow them to use specific features in CounselLink® for that office. For instance, a CounselLink user with the administrator role can access fee offers. Some emails are sent to all of the firm's CounselLink users or timekeepers with a specific role (if they have an email address listed in CounselLink).

Take the following steps to edit the roles for an individual CounselLink user or timekeeper:

Note: The user needs to have the administrator or partner role.

  1. Click the Law Office Name under Offices.
  2. Click the CounselLink user or timekeeper that you need to edit.
  3. Click Edit Roles in QuickLinks.
  4. Check or uncheck the check boxes as needed.
  5. Click Save.

Take the following steps to edit the roles for all timekeepers and CounselLink users for a law firm office:

  1. Click the Law Firm Office name under Offices.
  2. Click Edit Roles in QuickLinks.
  3. Check or uncheck the check boxes as needed for each timekeeper or CounselLink user.
  4. Click Save.