Matter Change Request for Law Firms on CounselLink

Document ID

Document ID HT3575


  • LexisNexis® CounselLink®


  • Product Features

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Law firms can submit Matter Change Requests (MCR) to change the Fee Structure ID for a matter as long as the Fee Structure is configured to allow the law firm to do a Matter Change Request. A Matter Change Request (MCR) cannot be done on a closed matter.

Note: If a Law Firm is not does not have the ability to set up a MCR due to client configurations; refer the Admin to the Matter Contact.

CounselLink® law firm users with the Matter Change Approval Contact role can submit Matter Change Requests.

Take the following steps to submit a Matter Change Request:
Note:  You cannot have a pending, rejected or other status except for approved invoices on the matter when submitting an MCR. Any pending, rejected, or other status except for approved invoices must be deleted.

  1. Log on to CounselLink.
  2. Select the client from the list of clients in the upper left corner drop-down list on the Home tab.
    Note: When a different Client is selected while under any of the tabs on CounselLink, users will be directed back to the Home tab under the selected Client.
  3. Click Matters.
  4. Search for the matter.
  5. Click the Corporate Customer Matter ID or Matter Title if more than one matter is listed in your search results.
  6. Click Additional Actions icon (3 vertical dots).
  7. Click Change Request.
  8. Choose 1 of the following types of Matter Change Requests:
  • Fee Structure Change Request - use to choose a new Fee Structure for a matter.
Take the following steps to enter a Fee Structure Change Request:
  1. Select Fee Structure Change Request.
  2. Select applicable Fee Structure ID from Fee Structure ID drop-down list.
  3. Note: The law firm must have an accepted fee offer for the Fee Structure ID they select. Otherwise, the system does not process the request.
  4. Review the current offer on the fee structure in the Current Fees section.
  5. Make any necessary changes in the Fees Proposed section.
  6. Select your reason for your request from the Reason for Request drop-down.
  7. Enter your description for the request in the Describe the reason for request field.
  8. Click Save.
  • Variable Change Request - use to change the number of parties (for fee structures that are designed with a variable component). This type of MCR is not often used.
Take the following steps to enter a Variable Change Request:
  1. Select Variable Change Request.
  2. Select the number of parties from the Variable #1 -- Number of Parties drop-down menu.
  3. Note: You can select 1-5 party members.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Select your reason for your request from the Reason for Request drop-down.
  6. Enter your description for the request in the Describe the reason for request field.
  7. Click Save.
  • Modified Offered Fees - use to change matter level rates for the life of a specific matter.
Take the following steps to enter a Modified Offered Fees Change Request:
  1. Select Modified Fees Request.
  2. Make any necessary changes in the Stage Structure Information section.
  3. Make any necessary changes in the Timekeeper Rates section.
  4. Select your reason for your request from the Reason for Request drop-down.
  5. Enter your description for the request in the Describe the reason for request field.
  6. Click Save.
Note: Clicking the Void this Request button on a Matter Change Request will only void the MCR request.
