Downloading an eBook

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Document ID HT5008


  • LexisNexis® eBooks


  • Product Features

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Downloading an eBook to a Computer Downloading an eBook to a iPhone or iPad
Downloading an eBook to an Android phone or tablet Downloading an eBook to a Kindle
Downloading an eBook to a Nook Device  

 Downloading an eBook to a Computer

If you ordered the eBook through the online bookstore or ordered through your Sales Representative, take the following steps to download the eBook title to your workstation:

Note: You must install an eReader to view an eBook.

  1. Browse to the bookstore website
    Note: You can also click the link in the email sent to you after purchasing an eBook to open the Download Center.
  2. Click Sign In.
  3. Enter Email address and Password then click Login.
  4. Click My Account.
  5. Click Download Center.
  6. Click Download next to the eBook you want to download.
  7. Click Download. Note: If you receive the message "Your download will begin in a few seconds. If it doesn't start soon, then click here to begin the download manually. Please ensure your browser is not blocking pop-ups for this site. Thank you." and the download does not start, right click Here and select Save Link As.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Choose the location where your want to save the eBook.
  10. Once the download is complete, double-click the eBook to open it with your default eReader.
Note: This process is the same for a Windows PC or Mac.

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 Downloading an eBook to an iPhone or iPad

Take the following steps to download the eBook directly to an iOS device:

Note: You must install an eReader to view an eBook.

  1. Verify you have installed an eReader app. See eReader Overview for recommended eReader software.
  2. Browse to the bookstore website on the iOS device using either the link from the email or
  3. Click Sign In.
  4. Enter Email address and Password then click Login.
  5. Click My Account.
  6. Click Download Center.
  7. Click Download next to the eBook you want to download.
    Note: Make sure the file type is an ePub format. The Mobi format is only used when opening the publication with the Kindle app.
  8. Click Download.
    Note: See Configure Pop-up Blocker Exceptions in Safari if you do not see the download progress.
  9. Select iBooks or Adobe Digital Editions to open the eBook.

Take the following steps to download an ePub eBook file to your workstation and transfer it to your iOS device:

  1. Download the eBook to the computer.
  2. Verify you have installed iBooks App or Adobe Digital Editions on device. See eReader Overview for additional information.
  3. Open iTunes on your desktop.
    Note: If iTunes is not installed on your desktop, download it and install it.
  4. Drag the eBooks file from the workstation to iTunes.
  5. Connect the iPad to the workstation via a USB cord.
  6. Sync the iPad with iTunes.
  7. Disconnect the device from the computer.
  8. Open iBooks to view the eBook.
Note: You may also transfer the eBook to the iOS device via Dropbox (or other cloud service), network sharing or email.

Take the following steps to download a Mobi eBook file to your workstation and transfer it to your iOS device:

  1. Download the eBook to the computer.
  2. Verify you have installed the Kindle eReader app on device. See eReader Overview for additional information.
  3. Open iTunes on your desktop.
    Note: If iTunes is not installed on your desktop, download it and install it.
  4. On the top menu, click Apps and then scroll to the bottom of the window to see the File Sharing section.
  5. In the Apps panel on the left-hand side, click the Kindle icon.
  6. Find the MOBI file you saved in step 1 and drag-and-drop it into the Documents panel on the right-hand side.
  7. Wait for the file to transfer and safely eject the device from your computer.
  8. Open the Kindle app and the MOBI file should appear on the app's Device Library screen.

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 Downloading an eBook to an Android phone or tablet

Android devices support a various assortment of eReaders.

The most effective approach to downloading a LexisNexis eBook wirelessly to an Android device is to utilize the Dropbox application available for free at Dropbox is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux users. The user must sign up for a Dropbox account before they can download the application.

Method 1 - Take the following steps to download the eBook to an Android via Dropbox:

Note: You must install an eReader to view an eBook.

  1. Ensure Dropbox is installed on both a computer and the Android device.
  2. Download the eBook to the computer.
  3. Locate the file in the download folder and move it to the Dropbox folder.
  4. Dropbox will automatically synchronize content with the Dropbox application on the Android device.

Method 2 - Take the following steps to download the eBook to an Android via Media Transfer:

Note: You must install an eReader to view an eBook.

  1. Connect your android device to your computer via USB.
  2. Set your USB Settings to use MTP (Media Transfer).
  3. Open the folder for your android device.
  4. Drag and drop the eBook to the folder designated in your eReader.
    Note: This folder can be in a different location based on your device and eReader.
  5. Open the eReader and open the eBook.

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 Downloading an eBook to a Kindle

Take the following steps to download the eBook via USB to the Kindle:

  1. Download the eBook to the computer.
  2. Connect the Kindle to the computer via USB.
  3. Open the Kindle in Windows Explorer.
    Note: If on a Mac this will be the File Browser or Finder.
  4. Open the document folder.
  5. Drag and drop the Mobi file into the documents folder.
  6. Disconnect the Kindle from the computer.
  7. The eBook is now on the Kindle.

Take the following steps to download the eBook via email to the Kindle:

  1. Download the eBook to the computer.
  2. Open a blank email.
  3. Attach the eBook file to the email.
  4. Email the file to your Kindle email address.

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 Downloading an eBook to a Nook Device

Take the following steps to download the eBook via USB to a Nook device:

  1. Download the eBook to the computer.
  2. Connect your Nook to the computer with its USB cable.
  3. Open 'My Computer', choose 'Removable Disk', open the 'My Document' folder.
  4. Drag the e-book from computer hard drive, and drop it in the 'My Documents' folder in the Nook drive folder.
  5. Un-plug the USB cable, Turn on your Nook, find the book in the 'My Documents' folder.

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