Finding Litigation, Granted, and Other Legal Information on TotalPatent One

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Document ID SS3992


  • TotalPatent OneĀ®


  • Legal Search

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Legal information on the TotalPatent One® service includes status, ownership, payment status, and litigation information. Some information is visible on the face of the document, but not all. All legal information is viewable after exporting the information.  
Litigation Information
Designated States
Other Legal Information
Granted Information

Litigation Information 

Litigation information is available on the TotalPatent One service for U.S. patents only. Only litigation in the United States is available. Foreign litigation information concerning a U.S. patent is not available.

Litigation information is found in the LSSOP field. While viewing a patent, click the Legal button (gavel) at the top of the document and look at the Post issuance tab. The litigation information on TotalPatent One comes from Notices of Litigation from the United States Patent and Trademark Office Official Gazette. The information may also include any Judgement information. Coverage of litigation information begins in 1970.

When available, docket information is available from the CourtLink® service. Click the Litigation/Opposition button at the top of the document. Click Load CourtLink®. If there is information from CourtLink for that patent, the docket information appears.

The best way to search for litigation is to use the LSSOP object, with or without a party name. For example, run the following search to find publications where Hewlett Packard was involved in litigation:
LSSOP:("hewlett packard")

Take the following steps to find publications owned by Bristol-Myers that have also been involved in litigation:
  1. Run the following search: LSSOP:(bristol-myers or bristol-meyers)
  2. Open one of the publication documents.
  3. Click Legal in the toolbar to automatically scroll to the Legal information section of the document.
Litigation information can appear under the Standardized or Post issuance tabs in the Legal section.

Run the following search to find all publications with litigation:
LSSOP:(no) and PC:(US)Note: no represents Doc. No. which displays the docket number in the litigation notice.

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Granted Information 

The Status field (LSSS) shows the status of the application or granted patent. It is only populated with the following terms:\
  • Filed -  patent request is filed at the authority, no information on success is available
  • Granted - patent request is granted at the publication date of this document
  • Ceased - patent is expired due to non-payment of the renewal fee

The Patent Group field (PG) displays whether the document is a granted patent or a published application. It is only populated with the terms grant or application.

You can also use the Status or Patent Group post-search filters when reviewing results to restrict the list as necessary.

Run the following search to find applications that have been granted:
LSSS:(granted) and PG:(application)

Run the following search to find only granted patents:
LSSS:(granted) and PG:(grant)

Run the following search to find applications that have not yet been granted:
LSSS:(filed) and PG:(application)

Run the following search to find applications that are now ceased:
LSSS:(ceased) and PG:(application)
Note: If the application was granted, the ceased status was probably caused by non-payment of maintenance fees. If the application was never granted, the application was probably abandoned.

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Designated States 

The Designated states section under Standardized includes information about how the current patent has been entered into national phases that are relevant to your patent.

Run the following search to find patents where Canada is included under the Designated states section:

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The Ownership section under Standardized includes a timeline of all owners of the owners. The graphical representation makes it easy to see ownership transitions.

Run the following search to find applications that are now ceased:
LSSS:(ceased) and PG:(application)
Note: If the application was granted, the ceased status was probably caused by non-payment of maintenance fees. If the application was never granted, the application was probably abandoned.

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Other Legal Information 


LSSS and LSDSC fields

You can search other legal information using the LSSS and LSDSC fields. For example, run the following search to find patents that have expired due to failure to pay maintenance/renewal fees:
Note: You can only enter ceased, filed, or granted in the LSSS field.

Other legal status events can be tracked in the LSDSC field. For example, run the following search to track legal status changes:

LSDSC:(abandoned or cancelled or expired or withdrawn or reissu* or extension or restor*)

Run the following search to find publications with UCC financing statements or other UCC fillings:

LSDSC:(ucc* or financing statement)

Run the following search to find publications with a lien or security interest:

LSDSC:(lien or security interest)

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