Manage Newsdesk Newsletter Recipients

Document ID

Document ID HT7141


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Manage Recipients offers Nexis Newsdesk® Admins the ability to create and manage recipients. 
Create a Newsletter Recipient List
Activate, Pause, or Delete a Newsletter Recipient List
Create a New Newsletter Recipient
Add or Delete Newsletter List Recipients
Activate, Pause, or Delete Recipients
Upload Multiple Recipients


Create a Newsletter Recipient List 

You can create a list to organize recipients for newsletters.

Take the following steps to create a list:
  1. Click Share tab.
  2. Click Manage Recipients subtab.
  3. Click New List.
  4. Enter a group name under Basic Information.
  5. (Optional) Enter a description under Basic Information.
  6. Click Save.

Add or Delete Newsletter List Recipients 

Take the following steps to add recipients to the list:
  1. Click Share tab.
  2. Click Manage Recipients subtab.
  3. Click Lists.
  4. Click the list name.
    Note: Use the Find lists search field at the top to quickly locate a list.
  5. Use the Enrolled toggle switch to add or delete recipients.
    Note: Use the Find Recipients field at the top to quickly find recipients.
  6. Click Save.

Activate, Pause, or Delete a Newsletter Recipient List 

Take the following steps to activate, pause, or delete a list:
  1. Click Share tab.
  2. Click Manage Recipients subtab.
  3. Click Lists.
  4. Check the box next to the list names you want to activate, pause, or delete.
    Note: Use the Find lists search field at the top to quickly locate a list.
  5. Select Activate, Pause, or Delete.
  6. Click Save.

Activate, Pause, or Delete Recipients 

Take the following steps to activate, pause, or delete a list:
  1. Click Share tab.
  2. Click Manage Recipients subtab.
  3. Click Recipients.
  4. Check the box next to the recipient names you want to activate, pause, or delete.
    Note: Use the Find recipients search field at the top to quickly locate a recipient.
  5. Select Activate, Pause, or Delete.
  6. Click Save.

Create a New Newsletter Recipient 

Take the following steps to add recipients to the list:
  1. Click Share tab.
  2. Click Manage Recipients subtab.
  3. Click New Recipient.
  4. Enter the first name, last name, and email address under Basic Information.
    Note: Admins can add a distribution list as a recipient.
  5. Click Save. ​​​​​​​

Upload Multiple Recipients 

You can upload a list of new recipients to create them all at once.

You can upload lists in the .csv, .txt, .xls, .xlsx file types and the files must have columns for first name, last name, and email address.

​​​​​​​The maximum file size is 4MB.

Take the following steps to upload multiple recipients' information at once:
  1. Click Share tab.
  2. Click Manage Recipients subtab.
  3. Click Upload Recipients.
  4. Click Choose File.
  5. Select the appropriate file.
  6. Click Open.
  7. Click Upload Recipients. ​​​​​​​
