How to Search by Natures of Suit on Lexis CourtLink

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Document ID SS4064


  • Lexis® CourtLink®


  • Legal Search

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Natures of Suit refer to the different categories a lawsuit can be filed under. These categories are established by the court. Nature of Suit are not available in every court. They are most common in the United States District Courts. You can run searches with a Nature of Suit as your sole search criteria; however, certain case types, such as search warrant cases, list a Nature of Suit as N/A on the docket when the court does not select a Nature of Suit for that particular docket. Cases in the U.S. Court of Appeals do not include a Nature of Suit listed on their docket. If you select Natures of Suits as a search or Alert criteria, Lexis® CourtLink® retrieves limited results.

State court Natures of Suit titles are exactly those provided by the state courts, but the numbers are created by Lexis CourtLink.
   Note: Lexis CourtLink requires that a docket contain both criteria when you select a Nature of Suit and enter a Statute #. Thus Lexis CourtLink returns only dockets that list the selected NOS categories and statute.

Take the following steps to search by the Nature of Suit field:
  1. Select the court that you want to search in.
  2. Click the Nature of Suit field.
  3. (Optional) Type the name of the nature of suit that you are looking for.
  4. (Optional) Expand the selections by clicking the plus signs (+) to display the available Nature of Suite categories. 
  5. Check the Nature of Suit that you want to search by.
  6. Click the magnifying glass to run the search. 