Using Search Commands

Document ID

Document ID SS4133


  • Lexis®

  • Lexis+®


  • Legal Search

  • News, Company, & Public Records

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The information in this article applies to the following LexisNexis® products and services: Lexis+®, Lexis®

Using a search command in your search allows you to search for documents with terms that meet criteria, such as appearing a minimum number of times or appear in all capital letters.

You can use the following commands when constructing searches:


Use atleastn to find your search term(s) a minimum number of times in a document. For example, run the following search to find at least 5 references to merger in each document in your results:

You can use any number in place of the n. For more information on the atleastn command, see Using the atleast Command .

allcaps, caps, and nocaps

Note: These commands are only available when searching News.

Use allcaps, caps, and nocaps to find your search term(s) appearing as all capital letters, includes at least one capital letter, or all lower case with no capital letters. For example, run the following search to find references to the ADA when all letters are capitalized:

For more information, see Using the allcaps, caps, and nocaps Commands .

For more information about creating searches generally, see Creating Searches with Connectors, Commands, and Segments .