Common Searches on TotalPatent One

Document ID

Document ID SS4173


  • TotalPatent OneĀ®


  • Legal Search

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 The following search strategies are designed to help you create searches quickly and efficiently on the TotalPatent One® service.

Scroll through the following list to find the topic you want to search. The terms are not mandatory or exhaustive for a particular subject. You can change them based on your searching needs.

Copy the accompanying search and paste the search in to the Search box and modify or add additional terms for your research as necessary.

For additional information about the TotalPatent One service, including videos and training materials, visit You can also review the TotalPatent One User Manual for additional details.

Divisionals or Continuations

("this" or present) pre0 "application" near10 (division* or "continuation")

Ceased or Maintenance Fees Not Paid
(LSSS:(ceased) or LSSF:(no)) and PD:[2000-01-01 to *]