Retirement of Closed Tracks

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Document ID HT7812


  • Lexis® CourtLink®


  • Product Features

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Lexis® CourtLink® retires Tracks of closed dockets that have no activity for an extended period of time. If a docket has been closed for over 12 months and has no new activity during that period, the retirement process begins for the Track. The Track first moves into a paused state where it remains for 2 years. During that time, it is still available in the user's list of Tracks. At the end of the 2 years, it is removed from the list.

The tracked docket must be both closed and have no new activity for 12 months for it to be paused. If a closed docket registers new activity at any time during the 12 months since it was closed, the Track retirement date is pushed out to 12 months after the date of the new activity.
