Getting Started with Shepard's

Document ID

Document ID HT7503


  • Lexis®


  • Legal Search

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The Shepard's® Service provides a comprehensive report of cases, statutes, secondary material, and annotations that cite your document. You can use the Shepard's report to validate your research and determine whether you have good law.

Retrieving a Shepard's Report

On the Lexis® service there are mulitple ways to search to retrieve a Shepard's report. For more information, see Retrieving a Shepard's Report on Lexis.

Contents of a Shepard's Report

A Shepard's report includes the prior and subsequent appellate history related to the case you Shepardized. The report also includes federal and state court cases that cite to the citation you Shepardized. For more information, see Shepard's Report on Lexis.


Shepard's Preview

When you view a full text case or statute on the Lexis service, you can view a Shepard's preview. For more information, see Shepard's Preview on Full Text Documents.


Shepard's Alerts

The Shepard's Alert service allows you to monitor a Shepard's report and notifies you of an changes to the report. For more information, see Shepard's Alerts on Lexis.