Getting Started with Search Basics

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Document ID HT7504


  • Lexis®


  • Legal Search

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Creating Searches

The Lexis® service is designed to make searching easier and more intuitive. You can enter your search terms in a search box and run your search through all available content or use filters to restrict your search to only certain sources, jurisdictions, categories, or practice areas. For more information, see Creating Searches on Lexis.

Explore Content

Explore Content is a feature on the Lexis service that allows you to navigate through sources to see source availability, combine sources, search, or review results for specific sources you select. As this is additional functionality to Lexis, you still have the choice to either find specific sources to add them as filters or search all the Lexis content. For more information, see Explore Content on Lexis.

Advanced Search Forms

Advanced Search is a form based search feature on the Lexis service that allows you to create search queries using content specific fields and segments. This feature defaults to a basic search form that searches within all content type categories, but it also has content type specific forms. The Advanced Search forms are available for all categories available in Lexis Research. Each form is different and designed specifically to search particular content type categories and subcategories. For more information, see Advanced Search Forms on Lexis.

Find a Source

There are several different ways to navigate to a source on the Lexis service. You can view the full list and search or filter to find the sources you want to use for your research. For more information, see Finding a Source on Lexis.

Search by Citation

The Lexis service allows you to retrieve an individual case/document or enter multiple citations to retrieve all documents at one time from the Search field. For more information, see How to Retrieve a Case or Document by Cite on Lexis.


After running your search on the Lexis service you can narrow your results using filters in the Filters section on the results list. You can narrow using some or all available filter choices in a Category. Under the Filters heading, click the name of the filter to expand or collapse available areas. For more information, see Narrowing Results Using Filters on Lexis.


Documents on the Lexis service are comprised of different parts referred to as segments. You can use segment searching to run your search in specific areas of the documents to give you more precise results for your research. For more information, see Using Segments on Lexis.


The Lexis service ordinarily processes search terms from left to right, but allows you to use connectors to define the relationship between your search terms, which also affects the processing order of search terms. For more information, see Connectors on Lexis.